The University of Cambridge is revamping its admissions strategy. They're scrapping their target for state school admissions, which they successfully exceeded, and instead focusing on widening access for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. This new approach will be implemented for the academic years running from 2025-26 to 2028-29.

While the university will still consider the school an applicant attended, their focus will shift to socio-economic factors and background rather than simply state vs. private education. This aligns with the recommendations of the Office for Students, who advocate for universities to target outreach and support based on specific needs.

Previously, Cambridge had a state school target for admissions up to the 2024-25 academic year. They successfully surpassed this goal, with 72.9% of new students in 2022-23 coming from state schools. This is compared to 68.1% at Oxford, which doesn't have a state school target.

Admission Statistics at the University of Cambridge

Here is a snapshot of Cambridge's application and admissions statistics.

The University of Cambridge received 23,629 undergraduate applications for entry in the 2022/2023 academic year.

The staggering number of applications to Cambridge, exceeding 22,470 for the 2022/2023 academic year, underscores the university's global prestige. This immense interest reflects Cambridge's reputation as a top-tier institution and the allure of its rigorous academic programs. Cambridge continues to be a magnet for ambitious students worldwide.

Cambridge offers admission to 30.7% of its applicants in 2022/2023.

Total number of applications


Total number of offers


Total number of acceptances


For applications from Home students attending UK schools/colleges, the proportions of acceptances by school/college type are

Maintained        72.9%

Independent     27.1%


The admission statistics highlight the university’s dedication to providing opportunities to a diverse range of students, regardless of their background or academic achievements. It also reminds us that Cambridge is a highly competitive institution and that students must work hard to gain admission.

Image Source: University of Cambridge

How’s it going to affect the next Admission cycle
  • Cambridge will no longer have specific targets for state school admissions.
  • They will focus on admitting students from deprived socio-economic backgrounds, underrepresented regions, and underrepresented ethnicities.
  • This aligns with the recommendations of the Office for Students.
  • Some critics say this is an attempt to reduce the number of "wealthier white males" admitted.
  • Cambridge says they will still consider the school an applicant attended, but not as a primary factor.

Overall, the future Cambridge admissions cycle is likely to be more focused on a student's background than their school type.



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