As parents, one of the most crucial decisions we face is selecting the right preschool curriculum for our little ones. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to navigate the various philosophies, approaches, and methodologies. However, making an informed choice is essential, as the preschool curriculum lays the foundation for your child's future learning and development.

In today's rapidly evolving world, early childhood education is more important than ever before. Parents are increasingly recognising the value and impact of high-quality preschool programmes on their children's intellectual, emotional, and social growth. The curriculum you choose will shape your child's learning experience, fostering their unique strengths, addressing their specific needs, and preparing them for the challenges that lie ahead.

Before we delve into the different preschool curriculums offered in India, let's understand why choosing the right one matters.



The preschool curriculum is the cornerstone upon which the learning materials and activities in the classroom are designed. It provides a structured framework for your child's early education, guiding their exploration, discovery, and skill development. Each curriculum approach differs in its teaching methodology, learning objectives, and overall philosophy.

Every child is unique, with their own strengths, limitations, and learning styles. Recognising and acknowledging your child's individual needs is crucial when selecting a preschool curriculum. Some children thrive in a more structured environment, while others excel in a play-based, hands-on setting. By aligning your child's learning preferences with the appropriate curriculum, you can create an environment that nurtures their natural curiosity and fosters a love for learning.

When choosing a preschool curriculum, it's essential to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does the curriculum engage your child and capture their interest?
  • Does it address your child's unique learning style and developmental needs?
  • Is the curriculum culturally relevant and appropriate for your child's socio-linguistic environment?

Regardless of the curriculum you choose, it should enable your child's holistic development, enhancing their potential in all areas, including cognitive, physical, emotional, and social growth.



India is home to a diverse range of preschool curriculums, each with its unique approach to early childhood education. Here's a detailed overview of some of the most popular options, along with their teaching styles, the roles of teachers and parents, and key features:


Teaching Style: The Montessori approach is guided by a set of learning objectives, with a low student-teacher ratio and multi-age classrooms aimed at building a supportive community of learners. It emphasises hands-on learning, focusing on social and life skills through the use of Montessori toys and manipulatives. Academic components are included, and teamwork is encouraged.

Teacher's Role: Montessori teachers act as guides, observing and participating with the child, facilitating student-driven learning.

Parent's Role: Parents are encouraged to extend their child's independence at home, working in collaboration with teachers.


Teaching Style: The Waldorf curriculum follows a topical teaching approach, with experiential learning through hands-on, play-based practical activities. Learning does not utilise traditional academic materials or media, and there is a strong emphasis on creativity, independence, and deeper understanding.

Teacher's Role: Waldorf teachers serve as mentors and guides, managing classroom activities in partnership with parents.

Parent's Role: Parental involvement is considered essential, as parents and teachers collaborate to manage classroom activities together.

Reggio Emilia:

Teaching Style: The Reggio Emilia approach is project-based, with the curriculum evolving based on the child's needs and interests. Learning takes into account the child's intellectual and emotional potential, exploring ideas through movement, active listening, and hands-on activities. Collaborative learning is encouraged, and the child's learning is documented as a learning tool.

Teacher's Role: Teachers act as facilitators, observing and participating with the child, allowing student questions to guide the learning process.

Parent's Role: Parental participation in lessons is expected, with parents actively involved in their child's learning journey.


Teaching Style: The PlayWay curriculum is not predefined, but rather guided by a set of learning objectives. Learning is encouraged through play, with no formal assessments.

Teacher's Role: Teachers facilitate and guide the child's learning through play-based activities.

Parent's Role: Parents are encouraged to support and reinforce the learning process at home through play.

STEM-Based Learning:

Teaching Style: STEM-based learning focuses on introducing children to the fundamental concepts of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) through hands-on activities and creative problem-solving.

Teacher's Role: Teachers create engaging learning experiences that foster curiosity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills in children.

Parent's Role: Parents can support their child's STEM learning by providing opportunities for exploration, experimentation, and asking open-ended questions at home.

Waldorf Steiner:

Teaching Style: The Waldorf Steiner approach emphasises imparting education that can be applied throughout a student's life. The curriculum includes mindfulness practices, and artistic activities, and encourages exploration of the "why" and "how" of the world around them.

Teacher's Role: Waldorf teachers create a welcoming environment that promotes mindfulness, creativity, and analytical thinking.

Parent's Role: Parents collaborate with teachers to support their child's holistic development and foster a lifelong love for learning.



With so many preschool philosophies and pedagogies available, it can be challenging for parents to make a confident choice. However, by understanding your child's unique personality, learning style, and preferences, you can narrow down the options and find the curriculum that best aligns with their needs.

Here are some key considerations to help you choose the best preschool curriculum for your child:

Observe Your Child's Learning Style:

  • Does your child thrive in a structured or more free-flowing environment?
  • Do they enjoy hands-on activities or prefer more traditional learning methods?
  • Are they more independent or do they benefit from collaborative learning experiences?

Assess Your Child's Developmental Needs:

  • Is your child more advanced in certain areas, such as language or motor skills?
  • Are there specific areas where they need additional support or enrichment?
  • Does your child have any special needs or learning differences that require a tailored approach?

Consider Your Family's Values and Beliefs:

  • Do you prefer a curriculum that aligns with your cultural or religious values?
  • Are you interested in a more holistic approach that emphasises social-emotional development?
  • Do you value a strong emphasis on creativity, arts, and self-expression?

Evaluate the School's Philosophy and Environment:

  • Visit potential preschools and observe the classroom dynamics and learning environments.
  • Discuss the curriculum with teachers and administrators to understand their approach and teaching methods.
  • Ensure that the school's values and practices align with your own parenting philosophy.

Involve Your Child in the Decision-Making Process:

  • If possible, take your child to visit potential preschools and observe their reactions.
  • Pay attention to their level of engagement and interest in the learning activities and materials.
  • Consider their preferences and input when making the final decision.

Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to preschool curriculums. The key is finding the approach that best nurtures your child's unique talents, interests, and learning styles while providing a solid foundation for their future academic and personal growth.



Choosing the right preschool curriculum is not just about academics; it's about fostering a love for learning and creating an environment where your child can thrive. By selecting a curriculum that aligns with your child's needs and learning preferences, you are setting them on a path towards lifelong success and personal fulfilment.

At this crucial stage of development, children are like sponges, absorbing knowledge and experiences from their surroundings. A well-designed preschool curriculum can ignite their curiosity, encourage their creativity, and instil a sense of wonder and excitement about the world around them.

Whether you choose the hands-on, exploratory approach of Montessori, the artistic and imaginative world of Waldorf, the project-based learning of Reggio Emilia, or the playful and engaging PlayWay method, the key is to create an environment where your child feels safe, nurtured, and inspired to grow.

As parents, our role in this journey is to be supportive, involved, and open-minded. We must embrace the joys and challenges of early childhood education, working in partnership with teachers and educators to provide our children with the best possible start in life.

Ultimately, the preschool curriculum you choose should not only prepare your child for academic success but also equip them with the essential life skills, values, and mindset that will shape their future. By nurturing their curiosity, fostering their independence, and encouraging their creativity, we can empower our children to become lifelong learners, problem-solvers, and agents of positive change in the world.


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