Stronger Guidance Needed to Protect Children from Excessive Screen Time, Says Education Committee 

In a comprehensive report released today, the House of Commons Education Committee has called for stronger guidance and controls to safeguard children from the potential harms of excessive screen time. The cross-party group of MPs conducted an extensive inquiry, gathering evidence from academics, experts, schools, parents, and technology companies to understand the impacts of screen usage on children's development, education, and wellbeing. 

The report acknowledges the benefits of technology in supporting children's learning and communication but raises significant concerns about the risks associated with unregulated screen time. Key findings from the inquiry include developmental and educational impacts, mental health and wellbeing concerns, and inadequate guidance for schools and parents. 

While moderate screen time can aid learning through educational apps and online resources, excessive usage can negatively impact concentration, behavior, and academic performance. The committee heard evidence of children as young as 8 spending nearly 3 hours per day online, rising to over 4 hours by age 11-12. Prolonged screen time, particularly social media usage, has been linked to increased anxiety, depression, and poor self-esteem among children and adolescents. Alarmingly, 31% of 12-15 year olds reported encountering worrying or nasty content online, with 5% exposed to material promoting terrorism or radicalisation. 

The inquiry found a lack of clear, consistent guidance for schools and parents on managing children's recreational screen usage and mitigating potential harms. While the new non-statutory PSHE curriculum covers digital safety education, its effectiveness in educating children about screen time and online risks was questioned. 

 In response to these findings, the Education Committee has made several key recommendations: 

1. National Screen Time Guidelines: The committee calls on the Department for Education to develop comprehensive, age-appropriate screen time guidelines for children and families, providing clear limits and advice on balancing screen time with other essential activities. 

2. Strengthened Digital Safety Education: Schools should receive additional support and resources to enhance digital safety education within the PSHE curriculum, including practical strategies for children to manage their screen time, identify online risks, and develop healthy digital habits from an early age. 

3. Parental Support and Awareness Campaigns: The report emphasises the crucial role of parents in monitoring and regulating their children's screen time. The government should launch awareness campaigns and provide accessible resources to help parents understand the potential impacts of excessive screen usage and implement effective screen time management strategies at home. 

4. School Policies on Recreational Screen Use: The committee recommends that all schools develop and implement clear policies governing the use of personal devices and recreational screen time during school hours, including measures such as banning mobile phones for certain age groups or designating screen-free zones within school premises. 

5. Collaboration with Technology Companies: Recognising the role of technology companies, the report calls for closer collaboration between the government, schools, and tech firms to develop age-appropriate content, parental controls, and tools to support healthy screen time habits among children. 

Education Committee Chair, Robin Walker MP, emphasised the urgency of addressing this issue, stating, "While technology has brought immense benefits to education and communication, we cannot ignore the mounting evidence of the potential risks excessive screen time poses to children's development, mental health, and overall wellbeing." 

The report acknowledges the challenges faced by parents and educators in navigating the digital landscape and aims to provide a comprehensive framework to support them in fostering a balanced and responsible approach to screen time. 

As the role of technology in children's lives continues to evolve, the Education Committee's recommendations represent a significant step towards ensuring that the benefits of digital tools are harnessed while mitigating potential harms. By implementing stronger guidance, enhancing digital literacy education, and fostering collaboration between stakeholders, the government aims to empower families and schools to create a safer and more balanced digital environment for children. 


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