In a significant move that promises to reshape the landscape of design education in India, Mahindra University has announced the launch of its School of Design Innovation in Hyderabad. This pioneering initiative, set to commence its first academic session on 15th August 2024, marks a pivotal moment in the evolution of design education in the country, aligning with India's aspirations for technological growth and self-reliance. 

 The establishment of the School of Design Innovation comes at a crucial juncture when India is witnessing an exponential increase in the adoption of new technologies, necessitating novel skillsets and competencies. Dr. Yajulu Medury, Vice-Chancellor of Mahindra University, emphasised this point, stating, "As India moves into the next phase of technological growth towards achieving its goal of Atmanirbhar Bharat, we are seeing an exponential growth in adoption of new technologies requiring new skillsets and competencies." 

The School of Design Innovation is not merely an addition to Mahindra University's academic offerings; it represents a paradigm shift in how design education is conceived and delivered in India. At its core, the school aims to bridge the gap between traditional design education and the rapidly evolving needs of the industry, fostering a new generation of designers equipped to tackle real-world challenges. 

Curriculum and Pedagogical Approach 

The curriculum of the School of Design Innovation has been meticulously crafted to provide students with a holistic understanding of design principles while also equipping them with cutting-edge technical skills. The programme structure is uniquely designed to offer a blend of design fundamentals and specialised knowledge. 

Students will begin their journey by immersing themselves in design fundamentals, including: 

1. Sketching 

2. Engineering labs 

3. Prototyping 

4. Digital tools 

Following this foundational phase, students will have the opportunity to specialise in one of three disciplines: 

1. Industrial Design 

2. Communication Design 

3. Experience Design 

This specialisation phase is complemented by an integrated curriculum that places a strong emphasis on emerging technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The inclusion of these technologies in the curriculum ensures that graduates are not only well-versed in traditional design principles but are also at the forefront of technological innovation in design. 

A unique feature of the programme is the Capstone Project, which serves as the culmination of the students' academic journey. This project is designed to address real-world challenges in the industry, providing students with hands-on experience in applying their skills to solve complex problems. The Capstone Project also forms the basis for the student's specialisation, allowing them to develop deep expertise in their chosen area of focus. 

Prof. B. K. Chakravarthy, Founding Dean of the School of Design Innovation, elaborated on the school's approach, stating, "The core objective of design innovation is an effective problem-solving method that blends creativity with strategic acumen and it guides students to ideate and develop their concepts into innovative products and services." 

International Collaborations and Industry Partnerships 

One of the most exciting aspects of the School of Design Innovation is its partnership with the prestigious Pininfarina Design Academy in Torino, Italy. This collaboration will provide students with unparalleled exposure to international design practices and methodologies. Additionally, the school has forged a partnership with the Shenoy Innovation Studio at the Industrial Design Centre (IDC) of the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB), further enhancing its academic offerings. 

These partnerships are not merely symbolic; they are integral to the school's mission of providing world-class design education. Students will have the opportunity to be mentored by some of the best design minds from India and across the globe, gaining insights that transcend geographical and cultural boundaries. 

The emphasis on industry partnerships is another key feature of the School of Design Innovation. By leveraging Mahindra University's deep industry synergies, the school aims to bridge the gap between academic learning and practical application. As Prof. Chakravarthy noted, "Our aim is to not stop at the design concept or prototype stage but to leverage our deep industry synergies to take it to the market in line with our idea of Turning your Passion into your Profession." 

Admission Process and Scholarships 

The School of Design Innovation is committed to nurturing talent from diverse backgrounds. All students who have completed their 10+2 education across all streams are eligible to apply, provided they have a passion for design and sketching. The admission process includes the submission of a portfolio of work, followed by an interview for selected candidates. 

In a move to attract and support talented students, the school has announced a Chancellor's Scholarship for the first batch. This scholarship will cover 25% of the tuition fees, amounting to INR 1 lakh per year, providing financial support to deserving students and making quality design education more accessible. 

The Chakku's 7Cs Framework 

A distinctive feature of the curriculum at the Mahindra University School of Design Innovation is the incorporation of Prof. Chakravarthy's "Chakku's 7Cs" framework. This innovative approach to design thinking encompasses seven key concerns that guide all student projects: 

1. The Cause 

2. The Context 

3. The Comprehension 

4. The Check 

5. The Conception 

6. The Craft 

7. The Connection 

This framework provides students with a structured approach to design thinking, ensuring that they consider all aspects of a design problem, from initial conception to final implementation. 

The Broader Context of Design Education in India 

The launch of the School of Design Innovation at Mahindra University is not an isolated event but part of a larger trend in the evolution of design education in India. In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of design in driving innovation and economic growth. 

The Indian government has been actively promoting design education through various initiatives. In 2007, the government announced a National Design Policy, which led to the establishment of four new National Institutes of Design (NIDs) across the country. The policy also encouraged the creation of design departments in Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and other prestigious institutions. 

However, despite these efforts, there remains a significant gap between the demand for skilled designers and the supply of qualified professionals. According to a report by the British Council and the India Design Council, by 2020, the potential market for design in India was expected to reach INR 188.32 billion (GBP 1.43 billion), with a need for 62,000 designers. 

The launch of the School of Design Innovation at Mahindra University is a timely response to this growing demand. By offering a curriculum that blends traditional design principles with cutting-edge technologies and industry-relevant skills, the school is positioning itself at the forefront of design education in India. 

The Future of Design Education in India 

The establishment of the School of Design Innovation at Mahindra University is indicative of a broader shift in design education in India. As the country continues to emerge as a global economic powerhouse, there is an increasing recognition of the role that design can play in driving innovation and competitiveness. 

Several key trends are shaping the future of design education in India: 

1. Interdisciplinary Approach: There is a growing emphasis on interdisciplinary learning, with design programmes increasingly incorporating elements of technology, business, and social sciences. 

2. Industry Collaboration: Universities are forging closer ties with industry partners to ensure that their curricula remain relevant and that students gain practical, real-world experience. 

3. Focus on Sustainability: With growing awareness of environmental issues, sustainable design practices are becoming an integral part of design education. 

4. Emphasis on Entrepreneurship: Many design programmes are now including modules on entrepreneurship, preparing students to launch their own design ventures. 

5. Integration of Technology: Advanced technologies like AR, VR, and AI are being integrated into design curricula, preparing students for the digital future of design. 

The School of Design Innovation at Mahindra University embodies many of these trends, positioning itself as a leader in the evolving landscape of design education in India. 

Challenges and Opportunities 

While the launch of the School of Design Innovation represents a significant step forward for design education in India, it also highlights some of the challenges facing the sector. These include: 

1. Shortage of Qualified Faculty: As the number of design programmes grows, there is an increasing need for qualified design educators. 

2. Keeping Pace with Technological Change: The rapid pace of technological advancement means that curricula and teaching methods must be constantly updated. 

3. Balancing Theory and Practice: There is an ongoing challenge to strike the right balance between theoretical knowledge and practical skills in design education. 

4. Addressing Regional Disparities: While design education is growing in major cities, there is a need to extend quality design education to smaller towns and rural areas. 

5. Fostering a Design Culture: There is a need to promote a broader understanding and appreciation of design among the general public and in business circles. 

Despite these challenges, the future of design education in India looks promising. The growing recognition of the importance of design in driving innovation and economic growth, coupled with initiatives like the School of Design Innovation at Mahindra University, suggests that India is well-positioned to become a global hub for design education and innovation. 


The launch of the School of Design Innovation at Mahindra University marks a significant milestone in the evolution of design education in India. By offering a curriculum that blends traditional design principles with cutting-edge technologies and industry-relevant skills, the school is setting a new standard for design education in the country. 

As India continues to emerge as a global economic powerhouse, the role of design in driving innovation and competitiveness will only grow in importance. Initiatives like the School of Design Innovation are crucial in nurturing the next generation of designers who will shape the future of India and beyond. 

The school's emphasis on interdisciplinary learning, industry collaboration, and practical problem-solving aligns perfectly with the needs of the modern design industry. By providing students with exposure to international design practices through partnerships with institutions like the Pininfarina Design Academy, the school is preparing its graduates to compete on a global stage. 

As we look to the future, it is clear that the School of Design Innovation at Mahindra University will play a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of design education in India. Its innovative approach to design thinking, embodied in the Chakku's 7Cs framework, provides students with a structured methodology for tackling complex design challenges. 

The school's commitment to nurturing talent through initiatives like the Chancellor's Scholarship ensures that it will attract some of the brightest minds in the field of design. As these students graduate and enter the workforce, they will undoubtedly make significant contributions to India's design industry and help drive the country's economic growth. 

In conclusion, the launch of the School of Design Innovation at Mahindra University represents a bold step forward in design education in India. It offers a glimpse into the future of design education – one that is interdisciplinary, technology-driven, and deeply connected to industry needs. As the school prepares to welcome its first batch of students in August 2024, it stands poised to make a lasting impact on the field of design in India and beyond. 


Are you inspired by the innovative approach to design education offered by Mahindra University's School of Design Innovation?
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 Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your design knowledge and skills. Subscribe to Lurnable today and take the first step towards a successful career in design. 

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Disclaimer: This article was researched and written based on information from various reputable sources, including but not limited to: 

1. Mahindra University official website 

2. Education Post 

3. CXO Today 


5. The British Council report on "The Future of Design Education in India" 

6. The Hindu 

7. The PIE News 

8. India Design Council publications 

We extend our sincere gratitude to these sources for their valuable reporting and insights, which have contributed significantly to the analysis and discussion presented in this article. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, readers are encouraged to refer to the original sources for the most up-to-date information on this evolving topic. 


















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