University of Bari
ABOUT University of Bari
The ' University of Bari provided by RD September 30, 1923 n. 2102 is established by Decree 9 October 1924 on the foundations of the ancient University Schools of Pharmacy and Notaries activated immediately after the unification of Italy to replace the "Royal High School in Puglia." In January 1925 established the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery that incorporates the existing School for Midwives and is transformed into the Faculty School of Pharmacy. then to be added to the Faculty of Law, Economics and Business (born from directing business school founded in 1882) and Agriculture. From 1944 forward, the University will be enhanced with the establishment of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, Engineering, Teaching, Veterinary Medicine and Foreign Languages ​​and Literatures. With the Four Year Plan 1986/90, approved by Prime Ministerial Decree of 12 May 1989 is planned the construction of university centers in Foggia and Taranto. At Foggia are in fact established the Faculty of Law, Economics and Agriculture, the latter with the Degree in the Science of food preparations, of which will be amended in Food Science and Technology, while Taranto is established the course Degree in Environmental Science to address marine decentralized by the Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences of Bari with the same four-year plan, it also established the Faculty of Architecture of the Polytechnic of Bari nell'istituendo which flows together with the Faculty of Engineering of the University of separated Bari Following the Reform Act of university teaching (n.341/90) and the approval of the development plan of the University for the years 1991/93, pursuant to Presidential Decree 28 October 1991, with DM January 31, 1992 is Permission to establish the following Diplomas College of Plant - orientation "Plant Protection"; Crop - orientation "Technical horticultural nursery" (decentralized branch in Foggia) Animal Production - orientation "Aquaculture and mariculture" Animal production - orientation mariculture, fishing and processing industry "(decentralized branch in Taranto); Operator of Culture, Journalism (decentralized branch in Foggia - not yet activated) Tour Operators (not yet activated); Translators and Interpreters (not yet activated); Nursing (decentralized branch in Foggia), Economics and Management of Tourist Services (decentralized branch in Foggia), Biology, Pharmaceutical Technologies (decentralized branch in Taranto.) With the same three-year plan 1991/93 will also be processed in the Faculty (not yet implemented)'s Degree in Political Science, and the establishment of the Master of Science in Business Administration (decentralized branch in Taranto - not yet activated) to input the terrestrial Degree in Environmental Sciences to address marine already established in Taranto, the institution, effective November 1, 1993, the Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery, based in Foggia, by budding from the homologous Faculty, University of Bari Particularly important international business and the level of scientific reports, is promoted activation of numerous cultural cooperation agreements, entered into with European and American universities, as well as an agreement with some of China People's University. The University of Bari is also home to the Consortium of Universities of the Mediterranean (CMU), founded in 1983 and recognized by UNESCO as a supranational body which pertain to non-governmental currently 158 universities of all countries of the Basin. The University of Bari is also the founder and majority shareholder of the Science and Technology Park Tecnopolis- CSATA Novus Ortus, established in 1987 by the transformation of the Centre for Studies in Advanced Technology and Applications (CSATA) located on the outskirts of Valenzano and that is known and appreciated not only nationally but also internationally and has signed the Magna Charta Universitatum.